Anger Management and Bullying Prevention in Toronto Ontario

We have presented workshops to hundreds of children in the greater Toronto area.
Here are some tips about anger:

  1. Try to figure out why you are angry. Ask yourself questions to find out.
  2. Try to leave the situation that is causing the anger. If you can’t, take ten deep breaths and let each one out slowly.
  3. Wait before you do or say anything. If you say or do something in anger, you may be sorry later. You are responsible for your words and actions.
  4. Get moving. Be active. Anger is often released by exercise and activity.
  5. Write down your thoughts. Let them pour out. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar. Keep this to yourself until you have read it over and some time has passed. Things may seem different by that time.
  6. If you still feel angry, find a trusted adult to talk to. Share your thoughts and listen to the adult’s advice. If you don’t know who to talk to, call Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868.

    Anger can cause bullying. Anger can cause people to be bullied. We all have anger at times. Try to deal with your anger without being mean to others. Bruce Langford presents workshops on bullying prevention to help with relationship issues.